KontrolFreek Blog

Madden 22 Tips and Tricks to Take to the Field

It's like clockwork: another year, another action-packed Madden release. This time around, we're looking at Madden NFL 22, which debuted earlier this month. Available across most current-gen and next-gen consoles...

On by Brittany Vincent 0 Comments

Unveiling the Six Siege Black Ice Collection

Watch out -- there's ice ahead. Yes, we're aware it's just August. We're talking about the new Six Siege x SteelSeries Black Ice Collection, which brings the elusive Black Ice...

On by Brittany Vincent 0 Comments

The Evolution of 4-Prong Performance Thumbsticks

KontrolFreek as you know it is going through a bit of a metamorphosis. Since the company's conception in 2009, we've delivered quality and innovation in terms of our Performance Thumbsticks...

On by Brittany Vincent 0 Comments