KontrolFreek Blog

What’s Changing in Destiny 2

With the release of our KontrolFreek Ghost and Destiny 2’s highly anticipated release just around the corner, and the end of August’s open beta fresh on our minds, FreekNation is buzzing with excitement and we can’t wait to get our hands on the final product. While we are certainly looking forward to the graphic and sound enhancements that come along with a sequel...

On by Ashish Mistry 0 Comments

So Long Summer Gaming!

2017 is over halfway over, and Summer is winding down. Though the summer season doesn’t technically end until September, vacation is coming to an end for a lot of gamers. That means less time to play your favorite games. Everyone knows that Summer tends to be a relatively dry season for video games with most major releases slotted around Fall and the...

On by Ashish Mistry 0 Comments

Soar Gaming Joins FreekNation

  FreekNation is a place where you will find some of the biggest names in gaming. From pro teams, to some of the biggest YouTubers, we are happy to host and sponsor some of the most talented gamers and content creators out there! KontrolFreek fans know that we strive for the best, and with that in mind, we are happy to announce...

On by Ashish Mistry 0 Comments

DreamHack Comes to Atlanta

There are few examples that highlight the explosive growth of the video game industry and gaming culture better than that of DreamHack. What started out over 20 years ago as a few friends renting out a space in their local school cafeteria to host a LAN party has grown into an international gaming event and the largest LAN party in the world....

On by Ashish Mistry 0 Comments

KontrolFreek Game Highlight: Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy

The bandicoot is back! It’s been a while since one of PlayStation’s most iconic platformers returned in its remastered edition with Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy. The nostalgia has struck with full force as long time PlayStation fans are whisked away back to our childhood, and brand new generations of gamers discover this classic series for the first time. With 2016’s release of...

On by Ashish Mistry 0 Comments

The Biggest Explosions in Gaming!

It’s just a day away from Independence Day, which means grills are getting fired up, bathing suits are being donned and the perhaps the greatest aspect of the 4th of July is being prepped, fireworks. As the sky darkens on the 4th, spectacular displays of fireworks light up the sky all over the country, making Independence Day the most explosive holiday of...

On by Ashish Mistry 0 Comments

Community Spotlight: Optic Midnite

Here at KontrolFreek, we are extremely fortunate to work with some of the biggest names and top players in gaming. From pro gamers, to content creators with channels that are watched by millions, the FreekNation community is packed with talented and creative individuals. Our Community Spotlight features Monthly interviews with your favorite gamers and some of the biggest names in gaming. This...

On by Ashish Mistry 0 Comments